ESTS Editorial Collective
Aalok Khandekar
Noela Invernizzi
Duygu Kaşdoğan
Ali Kenner
Angela Okune
Grant Otsuki
Sujatha Raman
Amanda Windle
Emily York
In our inaugural editorial, we, the incoming Editorial Collective (EC) of Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS), describe the digital and social infrastructural work that we have undertaken since assuming editorship of the journal. We also note some of the changes we have introduced in terms of the journal’s content and policies. A key argument is that even though publishing infrastructures shape the form and movement of scholarly content in crucial ways, they often remain black-boxed, rendering invisible the time, labor, and skill in developing and sustaining them.
Author Biographies
Aalok Khandekar
Aalok Khandekar, Editor-in-Chief, and an assistant professor of Anthropology/Sociology at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India. As part of the Cool Infrastructures consortium, his current research examines thermal knowledges and practices as marginalized groups in the urban global South adapt to rising temperatures in their cities. Khandekar was lead curator of the STS Across Borders and Innovating STS exhibits at the 2018 and 2019 4S annual meetings and is a founding member of the Transnational STS and TransAsiaSTS networks.
Noela Invernizzi
Noela Invernizzi, Associate Editor, is a Uruguayan anthropologist with a PhD in Science and Technology Policy (State University of Campinas, Brazil). She is a full professor at the Education Sector and the Public Policy Graduate Program of the Federal University of Parana, in Brazil. Her research interests include the effects of industrial innovation for workers’ skills and employment conditions; science, technology, and innovation policies; the development of nanotechnology in Latin American countries, and the practices and politics of academic science evaluation.
Duygu Kaşdoğan
Duygu Kaşdoğan, Associate Editor, is assistant professor of Urbanization and Environmental Problems in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey. She received her doctoral degree in Science and Technology Studies Program at York University, Canada. She is the founding member of IstanbuLab and Transnational STS Network, and council member in 4S since September 2019. Her research focuses on democratization of science, transnational collaboration, political ecology of disasters, toxicity governance, and bioeconomies.
Ali Kenner
Ali Kenner, Associate Editor, is an associate professor in the Department of Politics and the Center for Science, Technology, and Society at Drexel University. Her current research focuses on energy justice in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region, and the tensions between sustainable transitions and energy vulnerability. Kenner is the author of Breathtaking: Asthma Care in a Time of Climate Change (2018) and a member of Climate Ready Philly.
Angela Okune
Angela Okune, Associate Editor, studies research data practices and infrastructures in Nairobi, Kenya to explore questions of equity, knowledge production and open science in Africa. She is completing her doctorate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine in 2021. Angela provided strategic guidance for the growth of tech research in Kenya as co-founder of iHub Research (2010-2015). Angela is co-editor of the open-access book Contextualizing Openness (2019).
Grant Otsuki
Grant Jun Otsuki, Associate Editor, is a lecturer in cultural anthropology at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has a PhD in anthropology (Toronto), and an MS in STS (RPI). Previously, he was assistant professor of anthropology, University of Tsukuba, Japan. His work is in the anthropology and history of technology. Grant has written about human-machine interfaces and the history of cybernetics in Japan, postcolonial anthropology, translation, and the anthropology of ethics in Japanese and English.
Sujatha Raman
Sujatha Raman, Associate Editor, is associate professor and director of research at the Centre for Public Awareness of Science (CPAS), Australian National University. Her research explores the role of expertise and publics in policy; responsible innovation; and transitions in energy, environment and health from a transdisciplinary STS perspective. She is the former co-director of the Institute for Science & Society (ISS), University of Nottingham, UK and co-editor of Science and the Politics of Openness (2018).
Amanda Windle
Amanda Windle, Managing Editor, Amanda Windle brings an academic background to an editorial portfolio that includes ESTS and the Interactions magazine. Her PhD in design and STS led to research focusing on feminisms and the digital design of online technologies. At present her research interests bridge disaster trauma, digital design, disability and editorial matters. Windle is a training psychotherapist at the Guild (London), chair of the Simon Community London, 4S council member, and author of A Companion of Feminisms for Digital Design and Spherology (2019).
Emily York
Emily York, Associate Editor, is an assistant professor in the School of Integrated Sciences at James Madison University. She has a PhD in Communication and Science Studies (University of California San Diego). Integrating STS research and teaching into STEM spaces is a key emphasis of her practice and intellectual inquiry. Her research focuses on STS pedagogy, interdisciplinary collaboration, critical participation, responsible innovation, and future-making within high tech innovation and higher education. She is a founder and co-director of the STS Futures Lab.
Copyright (c) 2021 Aalok Khandekar; ESTS Editorial Collective, Noela Invernizzi, Duygu Kaşdoğan, Ali Kenner, Angela Okune, Grant Otsuki, Sujatha Raman, Amanda Windle, Emily York

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