Thematic Collections
Maintenance and Its Knowledges
Maintenance and Its Knowledges: Functional Exploration, Biographical Supervision, and Behavioural Examination Jérôme Denis, Daniel Florentin, David Pontille |
“My Store is a Laboratory”: Knowledge Produced by Smartphone Repairers Nicolas Nova, Anaïs Bloch |
When to Care: Temporal Displacements and the Expertise of Maintenance Workers in Public Transport Tobias Röhl |
Stewards of the Organization: The Management of Repair and Maintenance Work in Large Organizations Alex Reiss Sorokin |
What Fragility? Multiple Professional Visions in the Maintenance of French Public Roads Roman Solé-Pomies |
Non-Manipulable Things? Maintaining a Techno-Judicial Imaginary on Sealed Biological Samples in the French Criminal Justice Vololona Rabeharisoa, Florence Paterson |
Software Maintenance as Materialization of Common Knowledge Mace Ojala, Marisa Leavitt Cohn |
Knowing with Microalgae: On the Maintenance of a Wastewater Treatment Prototype in an Ecovillage Mandy de Wilde, Fenna Smits |
STS and Innovation
STS and Innovation: Borderlands, Regenerations and Critical Engagements Alan Irwin |
Bringing Fences Down: The Role of Critical Innovation Studies in Engaging STS with Innovation and the Contribution of Benoît Godin Tiago Brandão, Carolina Bagattolli |
Innovation Doesn’t Work: The Explanatory Power of a Socio-Technical Approach Lucas Becerra, Hernan Thomas |
What is Innovation in the Non-English Languages? Pankaj Sekhsaria l |
Frugal Ground for STS and IS: Problems of Innovation and their Commonalities Judith Sutz |
A Tale of Two Perspectives on Innovation and Global Equity Shobita Parthasarathy |
From “More Innovation” to “Better Innovation”? Sebastian Pfotenhauer |
A Journey through STS and Innovation Studies Sally Wyatt |
Dissolving Boundaries in the Policy System Maja Horst |
Encountering Innovation, Countering Innovation Lilly Irani |
STS and Innovation: Building and Jumping Fences Alan Irwin |
TRANSnationalizing STS
TRANSnationalizing STS: Places, Spaces, and Politics Duygu Kaşdoğan, Angela Okune |
Chakana and Thirdspace: Engaging Ecuadorian STS in Places of Knowledge Co-Production María Belén Albornoz |
Becoming an African Techpreneur: Geopolitics of Investments in “Local” Kenyan Entrepreneurship Angela Okune, Leonida Mutuku |
Placing STS in and through Turkey Aybike Alkan, Duygu Kaşdoğan, Maral Erol |
From Resistance to Co-Management?: Rethinking Scientization in the Contestation of the Technosciences Sezin Topçu |
Locating Naturecultures Gergely Mohacsi, Grant Jun Otsuki, Émile St. Pierre |
Varieties of STS: Luminosities, Creative Commons, and Open Curation Michael Fischer |
Seabed in the Andes: Exploring “Splace” in Transnational STS Vivette García-Deister |
Science and Dissent
Kelly Moore, Bruno Strasser
Collaborative Dissent: Noses as Shared Instruments in the Nineteenth-Century Fight for Public Health
Melanie A. Kiechle
Shambu C. Prasad, Mathieu Quet
Bruno J. Strasser
From Resistance to Co-Management?: Rethinking Scientization in the Contestation of the Technosciences Sezin Topçu |
Knowledge Co-Production in Scientific and Activist Alliances: Unsettling Coloniality Marta Conde, Mariana Walter |
Seed Schools in Colombia and the Generative Character of Sociotechnical Dissent Nathalia Hernandez Vidal, Kelly Moore |
Breathing Late Industrialism
Chloe Ahmann, Alison Kenner
Victoria Nguyen
Chloe Ahmann
Liza Grandia
Alison Kenner
Sonia Grant
Alex Zahara
Timothy Choy
From Sideline to Frontline: STS in the Trump Era
Daniel Lee Kleinman
Michael Lynch
Anthony Ryan Hatch
Scott Frickel, Christopher M. Rea
Abby J. Kinchy
Chris Tirrell, Laura Senier, Sara Ann Wylie, Cole Alder, Grace Poudrier, Jesse DiValli, Marcy Beck, Eric Nost, Rob Brackett, Gretchen Gehrke
Laurel Smith-Doerr
Joseph Harris
Engaging the Underground: An STS Field in Formation
Abby J. Kinchy, Roopali Phadke, Jessica M. Smith
Adrianne C. Kroepsch
Jessica M. Smith, Nicole M. Smith
Daniel G. Cumming
Robyn d'Avignon
David Kneas
Trevor Birkenholtz
Making and Doing Politics Through Grassroots Scientific Research on the Energy and Petrochemical Industries
Sara Wylie, Nick Shapiro, Max Liboiron
Sara Wylie, Elisabeth Wilder, Lourdes Vera, Deborah Thomas, Megan McLaughlin
Jacob Robert Matz, Sara Wylie, Jill Kriesky
Max Liboiron
Kirk Jalbert, Samantha Malone Rubright, Karen Edelstein
Gwen Ottinger
Nicholas Shapiro, Nasser Zakariya, Jody Roberts
Joseph Dumit
Deborah Thomas
Amphibious Worlds: Environments, Infrastructures, Ontologies
Casper Bruun Jensen
Rebecca Empson
Atsuro Morita
Jakkrit Sangkhamanee
Annet Pauwelussen, G.M. Verschoor
Implicated in the Indicator Game? An Experimental Debate
Maximilian Fochler, Sarah de Rijcke
Roland Bal
Ulrike Felt
Alan Irwin
Julien McHardy
Ruth Müller
Katie Vann
Paul Wouters
Daniel Lee Kleinman
Maureen McNeil
Marilyn Strathern
Positioning the Field: STS Futures
Steven Epstein, Guest Editor
Ruha Benjamin
Adele E. Clarke
Janet Vertesi
Amit Prasad
Monica J. Casper
Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz
Sheila Jasanoff