How to Deal with Cosmoecological Perplexities: Artscience, Critical Zones, Pluriversal Politics

  • Casper Bruun Jensen


In this review essay, I discuss the relations between Clarissa Lee’s (2021) Artscience: A Curious Education, Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel’s (2020) edition Critical Zones: The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth, and Arturo Escobar’s (2020) Pluriversal Politics: The Real and the Possible from the point of view of their contribution to cosmoecology and the need to think and inhabit the earth differently.

Author Biography

Casper Bruun Jensen

Casper Bruun Jensen the author of Ontologies for Developing Things (Sense, 2010) and Monitoring Movements in Development Aid (with Brit Ross Winthereik) (2013, MIT) and the editor of Deleuzian Intersections: Science, Technology, Anthropology with Kjetil Rödje (Berghahn, 2009). His present work focuses on environmental infrastructures in South-east Asia.



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30 May 2022