Science & Dissent: Alternative Temporalities, Geographies, Epistemologies
The authors have identified the following error in the published article:
This Erratum relates to the following article: Moore, Kelly, and Bruno J. Strasser. 2022. “Science & Dissent: Alternative Temporalities, Geographies, Epistemologies.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(1): 53–71.
- On page 59, in the main copy it should read: “Instead of focusing on “types” of dissent or static rules that shape the outcome of dissent, like Delborne (2008), traces dissent and resistance as longer-term projects with varied cultural meanings, undercutting the focus on “wins” or “losses,” since changes in law, economy and personnel can easily modify a given outcome.” Rather than, “Instead of focusing on “types” of dissent or static rules that shape the outcome of dissent, like Delborne (2008), the variety of approaches trace dissent and resistance as longer-term projects with varied cultural meanings, undercutting the focus on “wins” or “losses,” since changes in law, economy and personnel can easily modify a given outcome.”
- On page 63, in the main copy the reference to (Topçu 2022) has been added when the author’s work has been referenced.
- On page 65, in the acknowledgements the following addition has been made: “as well as the Swiss National Science Foundation for generous funding through a Consolidator Grant BSCGIO_158887 (BJ Strasser).” The acknowledgment now reads: “We thank Nathalia Hernández Vidal, and the reviewers and editors of Engaging Science, Technology and Society for their guidance and comments, as well as the Swiss National Science Foundation for generous funding through a Consolidator Grant BSCGIO_158887 (BJ Strasser).”
Copyright (c) 2022 Editorial Collective, Kelly Moore, Bruno Strasser

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