Pursuing Transnational STS at ESOCITE/4S Joint Conference

  • Aalok Khandekar
  • Clément Dréano
  • Noela Invernizzi
  • Duygu Kaşdoğan
  • Ali Kenner
  • Angela Okune
  • Grant Jun Otsuki
  • Sujatha Raman
  • Tim Schütz
  • Federico Vasen
  • Amanda Windle
  • Emily York


In this editorial, the ESTS editorial collective (EC) reports on various events it had organized at the 2022 ESOCITE/4S joint meeting held at the Universidad Iberoamericana-Puebla in Cholula, México. The EC hosted a journal “happy hour” meet-up and several roundtables on the “Politics of Language,” the challenges and opportunities for open research data in STS worlds, as well as a Managing Editor (ME) Roundtable collaborating with other OA journals. The EC also participated in a two-day pre-conference writing workshop for early-career researchers. Various events organized further the EC’s commitment to cultivating and supporting the development of transnational STS.


Campbell, Nancy D. 2022. “Transnationalizing Critical Drug Studies.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(3): 63–86.


Fleury, Lorena, Marko Monteiro, and Tiago Duarte. 2022. “Brazil at COP26: Political and Scientific Disputes Under a Post-Truth Government.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(3): 107–117.


Invernizzi, Noela, Davyt Amilcar, Leandro Rodríguez Medina, and Pablo Kreimer. 2022. “STS Between Centers and Peripheries: How Transnational are Leading STS Journals?” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(3): 31–62.


Kaşdoğan, Duygu, Noela Invernizzi, and Ali Kenner. 2022. “Politics of Language in the Landscape of STS: Experiments, Infrastructures, and Collaborations.” Editorial Collective for Engaging Science, Technology, and Society at the ESOCITE/4S joint meeting, Cholula, México. STS Infrastructures (Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography), last modified December 30, 2022. Accessed December 31, 2022.


Kreimer, Pablo. 2022a. “Constructivist Paradoxes Part 2: Latin American STS, between Centers and Peripheries.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(3): 87–106.


⸻. 2022b. Latin American STS Agendas: Main Bibliographic References. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. STS Infrastructures (Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography), last modified December 30, 2022. Accessed December 31, 2022.


Layna, Juan, and Leandro Altamirano. 2022. “Promises that Don’t Work? COP26 and the Problems of Climate Change.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(3): 118–129.


Rappert, Brian, Dana Wilson-Kovacs, Hannah Wheat, and Sabina Leonelli. 2022. “Evincing Offence: How Digital Forensics Turns Big Data into Evidence.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(3): 8–30.


28 Dec 2022